Mid-Term Business Plan and Policy(October 2021 ~September 2026)

Strategic Decision

Standardizing Construction and
Real-Estate Co-Sourcing Service

We want to provide high-quality construction and real estate services to as many customers as possible, making it easier for our customers to make well-informed decisions, achieve their business goals, and increase their corporate value.
With this in mind, we will continue to improve our technical skills, incorporate data and the latest technology, and not only create higher quality services, but also work with many partners to expand our collaborations.
We will also make every effort to manage our company with a strong will, aiming to be utilized by many companies and society as a social infrastructure service.

Three Business Areas of F&P

Going forward, we will be overlaying the SDGs and CSV on the three businesses that form the pillars of our company’s profits.
In our co-sourcing services, we propose and implement services that reduce environmental impact in the construction of our customers’ facilities.
In our real estate business, we introduce facilities and systems that take the SDGs into account, enhancing usability. Furthermore, we expand our contribution to the community through co-creation.
In our data services business, we will develop services that enable performance, cost, and effectiveness verification from the planning phase.

*CSV (Creating Shared Value) = “Creating Shared Value
A management framework that not only creates ‘economic value’ for companies by addressing social issues and needs through business, but also creates ‘social value’. The concept that solving social issues leads to economic benefits.

New 3 Year Mid-Term Mid-Term Business Plan and Policy

  1. Become a company with high value by creating infrastructure that supports living.
  2. Ordinary income: 740 million yen (absolute amount secured)
  3. Create a company that “thoroughly does the ordinary” and “takes on challenges”.